Tokyo National Museum

  • A chance for you to explore the history of this fascinating country!
  • The national museum is one of the biggest museums in the country.
  • You’ll see everything from samurai swords to Buddhist scrolls at the national museum.
  • Why it’s so awesome: If you’ve ever been fascinated by the stories of the samurai, kimonos, or unique pottery items, then you’ll find them all at the national museum. It’s one of the biggest museums in the country, with over 116,000 pieces of art, so you’re bound to find something amazing to learn about.

    What to do there: While you’re in the museum, make sure you explore the displays that will help you learn about the parts of Japanese culture that are most interesting to you. For most people, this would be the samurai sword display and armor or the kimonos. But take the chance to explore other facets of Japan’s history as well at the national museum. It’s so different from western history and most of the art created throughout Japan’s history is staggeringly beautiful, so don’t miss it.


    Dalton Hogarth

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    +81 3 6670 1716

    Hirakawa-cho KS Bldg. 5F 2-4-14 Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102-0093 JAPAN

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